The Gallows Pole: This Valley Will Rise
Set against the backdrop of the coming industrial revolution in eighteenth century Yorkshire, the drama follows David Hartley as he assembles a gang of weavers and land-workers to embark upon a revolutionary criminal enterprise that will capsize the economy and become the biggest fraud in British history.
Michael Socha
David Hartley
Sophie McShera
Thomas Turgoose
Bill Hartley
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Samuel Edward-Cook
Isaac Hartley
Adam Fogerty
James Broadbent
Anthony Welsh
Abe Oldfield
Yusra Warsama
Bathsheeba Oldfield
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Eve Burley
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Nicole Barber Lane
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Joe Sproulle
Joe the Pickpocket
Fine Time Fontayne
Joseph Broadbent
Stevie Binns
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Dave Perkins
Tom Hartley
Ralph Ineson
Rex Arkwright, the Clothier
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Charlotte Ockelton
Gwen Hartley
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Soraya Jane Nabipour
Darya Hartley
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Esmae Wilson
Ella Hartley
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Stuart Zubrzycki
Billy Vardy