Digimon: The Movie

Digimon: The Movie


When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the destruction before the damage becomes irreversible and worldwide communication halts forever. As computer-based missiles are launched, and a wayward Digimon kidnaps the Digidestined, only the combined efforts of a worldwide network of kids and a new group of "Digidestined" can rescue the others and stop global disaster.


Lara Jill Miller
Joshua Seth
Bob Papenbrook
David Lodge
Dorothy Elias-Fahn
Michael Sorich
Peggy O'Neal
Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Brianne Siddall
Jeff Nimoy
Bob Buchholz
Philece Sampler
Mona Marshall
Michael Lindsay
Michael Reisz
Wendee Lee
Elizabeth Rice
Anna Garduno
Neil Kaplan
Doug Erholtz
Tifanie Christun
Ralph Garman
Paul St. Peter
Tom Fahn
Mike Reynolds
Kirk Thornton
Laura Summer
R. Martin Klein
Edie Mirman
Steve Blum
Joseph Pilato
Lex Lang
Bob Glouberman
Brian Donovan
Dave Mallow
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Robert Axelrod
Richard Binsley
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Bryn McAuley
Al Mukaddam
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